
DIY Twisted Envelope

6 years ago | Art All The Way
DIY crafts have been on a steady rise over the years with people opting for these crafts, be it for passing time, making things for themselves that they can’t afford, to give their décors a personal touch or simply because crafting is their passion. It is a hassle-free way to spend your free time that is neither harmful to you nor wasteful.

Have you ever written a letter to someone? Be it a professional formal letter or a personal letter to someone close to you? You must have written one sometimes! But, what about the envelopes you post it in? Do you make them yourself? Purchase them from shops? Which kind of envelopes do you usually purchase? Of course, the formal ones demand formal and plain envelopes, but what about your personal letters? You post them in plain envelopes as well? Or those patterned envelopes? You did, didn't you? But, did you ever make any envelopes yourself? Did you ever try different patterns? No? The thought of them being hard stopped you every time didn't it? Well, I'll tell you this, it is actually really easy to make them! Here is a simple twisted envelope for you to try out. Give those letters a bit more special feel by posting them in your handmade envelopes!

Craft paper

1. Take a craft paper and cut a square of size 20 cm from it.
2. Fold the paper in half diagonally. Crease and unfold.
3. Fold the paper in half along the other diagonal. Crease and unfold.
4. Position the paper like a diamond and fold the top left side such that both they align with the center crease as shown. Crease and unfold.
5. Repeat the same for all the sides.
6. Now, fold all the four sides along the crease lines as shown.
7. Open the last fold and insert it into the earlier fold as shown, and fold again.
8. Turn to the back side.
9. Fold the four corners towards the center. Crease and unfold.
10. Turn back to the front.
11. Fold all the flaps in half as shown.
12. Now, unfold each flap, push the crease inwards and fold again as shown in the video.
13. Now, fold the top flap in half towards the center as shown.
14. Repeat the same for all the flaps.
15. Voila! Your envelope is ready!

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