
10 Best Foods to Control Diabetes

5 years ago | Dieting Right
The best foods for diabetes are most often whole foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables. Certain foods are packed with nutrients that stabilize blood sugar levels, protect your heart, and even save your vision from the damaging effects of diabetes.
Here are 10 best foods to control diabetes.

Good source of vitamin C, which reduces inflammatory markers and fasting blood sugar levels.

Rich in chromium, a mineral that enhances the effects of insulin.

Naturally low in calories, high fibre content fills you up, battles bad cholesterol, and blunts blood-sugar swings.

Its active ingredient, curcumin, can lower inflammation and blood sugar levels.

Bitter gourd
Contains Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally.

Greek Yogurt
Contains probiotics, shown to improve blood sugar control and reduce heart disease risk.

Rich in resistant starch, a type of carb that has a very minimal impact on your blood sugar levels.

Contains fiber and are low in digestible carbs

Contains sulforaphane, which triggers several anti-inflammatory processes that improve blood sugar control.

Can lower fasting blood glucose, which is your blood sugar level when you haven’t eaten.

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