
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

6 years ago | Dieting Right
Turmeric has powerful medicinal properties due to it’s high amounts of nutrients, antioxidants, anti inflammatory compounds, and phytonutrients that have been studied in depth especially for cancer prevention. Here are 7 other nutritional facts about turmeric milk 'golden concoction'.

1.Detoxifies liver
The 'curcumin' in turmeric helps prevent and reverse liver cirrhosis and fatty liver.

2. Improves digestion
Antibiotic and antiseptic properties of turmeric milk helps in the process of digestions and flushes the toxins from our body.

3. Menstrual Cramps
The antispasmodic properties eases menstrual cramps and pain.

4. Antioxidant
Hot milk with turmeric powder is an excellent source of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

5. Treats Headaches
Turmeric milk ups the mucus flow in the system, preventing sinus congestion and sinus problems.

6. Treats cold and coughs
Turmeric milk is loaded with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help battle infection as well as the symptoms of a cough or cold.

7. Enables sleep
Milk contains serotonin and melatonin, which are brain chemicals that play an important role in your sleep cycle. Turmeric reduces stress and relaxes your body.

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