
7 Best Lean-Muscle Building Foods

5 years ago | Dieting Right
High-protein foods are very important for gaining muscle, but carbohydrates and fats are also necessary sources of energy. If your goal is to gain lean muscle, you should focus on exercising regularly and eating more calories each day from muscle-building foods.
Both nutrition and physical activity are critical if you want to gain lean muscle. Here are 10 best lean-muscle building foods you should have in your diet.

A good source of betaine, also known as trimethylglycine helps to increase muscle strength and power.

Help to boost muscle growth, strength and endurance, especially when eaten before workouts.

Nuts are the perfect blend of protein, fats, and fiber, allowing you to get the extra calories.

A good source of glutamine, the amino acid that is important for lean muscle growth.

The specific polyphenols in apples help to increase muscle strength and prevent muscle fatigue.

Contain high quality protein, nine essential amino acids, choline, the right kind of fat, and vitamin D.

Greek Yogurt
Dairy not only contains high-quality protein, but also a mixture of fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein.

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