
7 Foods that can thin your Blood

6 years ago | Dieting Right
Your body has a way of protecting you from bleeding. Most of the time your blood’s ability to clot is a good thing. But there are times when blood clots can be dangerous. The thickness of your blood can depend on a number of factors. Your red blood cell count has the most influence on the viscosity of your blood.
Thinner blood may improve your overall circulation and lower your risk of vascular issues and accidents such as blood clots and hemorrhages that can negatively affect your heart, brain, intestines, eyes, limbs and other organs. But keep in mind blood thinning is not meant for everyone.
Here are 7 best foods that helps to thin your blood naturally.

Turmeric is a spice, which can work on blood platelets to prevent clots from forming.

Contains salicylate, the chemical acetyl salicylic acid, derived from salicylate, is what makes up your common everyday aspirin.

It as long been known to help thin the blood, reduce blood pressure, and stop platelet aggression in order to ease blood flow.

Contain adenosine, which acts as an anticoagulant. Anticoagulants prevent your blood from clotting.

Powerful anti-coagulant, capable of lowering blood pressure and relieving inflammatory conditions.

Very good source of vitamin E. Vitamin E has anti-clotting properties and can act as an effective blood thinner.

Contains the enzyme bromelain, acts as a natural blood thinner due to its ability to help lessen the adhesiveness of blood platelets.

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