
10 Days Weight Loss Series with Surya Dinkar - Day 1 to Day 5

6 years ago | Yoga and You
Day 1
As a beginner, yoga could be this mythical exotic practice only meant for extremely flexible folks. But Surya Dinkar is here to prove it wrong, as she cut off from yoga and exercise for over 3 months; she gets back to basics and starts this journey along with you. This first of 10 weight-loss video series focuses on warm-ups and lifestyle changes one need to make in order to stay healthy and therefore lose weight.
Suggested Timing:
4:30 am to 6:30am & 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Day 2
In this video Surya Dinkar explains the PRE-YOGA STRETCHES in detail. Follow these stretches on loop for 30 min ( twice a day) for at least 3 days before you begin your yoga practice. It might be a bit hard if you are beginner, but stay focused and determined. Remember to breathe deeply, because fat burns only when you give your body enough oxygen and rest. In the following videos, surya translates these stretches into yoga asanas when incorporated with proper breathing.

Day 3
1. Deep inhale & exhale – 10 times
2. Kapalabathi – 20 times
3. Anulom Vilom Pranayama ( alternate breathing) – 10 cycles
4. Gomukhasana – hold pose for 20 sec (4 times)
5. Leg flexibility sequence
Butterfly 1 min
Left leg stretch 20 sec
One legged pigeon stretch + relax 20sec ->
Sleeping Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Right leg stretch 20sec
One legged pigeon stretch + relax 20 sec ( 4 cycles min)
6. Marjariasana - Cat pose – 10 times
7. Bhujangasana – Cobra pose hold for atleast 20 sec ( 4 times)
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana – downward dog – hold for upto 1min
9. Dynamic downward dog – 5 times each leg
10. Balasana
11. Puppy Pose

Day 4

1. Virabhadrasana 2 – Hold pose for 20 seconds ( 4 times each side)
2. Virabhadrasana 1 – Hold pose for 10 seconds ( 4 times each side)
3. Parivrtta Viparita Virabhadrasana 1 - Hold pose for 10 seconds ( 4 times each side)
4. Phalakasana – Plank for 1 minute ( 4 times)
5. Utkatasana – Chair pose hold for 20 seconds ( 4 times)
6. Prasarita Padottanasana - Leg spread fwd bend with yoga block, hold for 10 sec ( 4 times)
7. Boat pose – navasna
i. Utthita ek pad uttanasana
ii. Utthita uttana padasana
iii. Navasana – Hold for 20 seconds ( 4 times)
8. Dhanur asana – Hold for 20 seconds ( 4 times)
9. Balasana – stay for max 1 min...but don’t fall asleep J
10. Deep breathing ( 10 times) Seetkari ( 8 times) do not do this if you have a sore throat or cold.

Day 5

Sequence 1
Bhujangasana (Snake pose) 20 sec with deep breathing à AdoMukha Svanasana (Downward dog) 20 sec with deep breathing à EkPada Kapotasana (One-legged pigeon pose) 20 sec à Svanasana à Bujangasana
* You can do this on loop for 5 times each side.

Sequence 2
Bhujangasana ( Snake pose) 20 sec with deep breathing à Ado Mukha Svanasana ( Dynamic Downward dog) 3 or 4 times with deep breathing à Ek Pada Kapotasana ( One-legged pigeon pose) 20 sec à Ek Pada Raja Kapotasana ( Sleeping pigeon pose) à Svanasana à Bujangasana
* You can do this on loop for 5 times each side.

Sequence 3
Ado Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog) 20 sec with deep breathing à Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) 5 sec à Viparita virabhadrasana ( reverse warrior pose) 5 sec à ( loop the previous 2 for 3 or 4 times) à Svanasana à Bujangasana
* You can do this on loop for 5 times each side.
Make sure you breathe deeply in between and stay in Balasana in-between all the sequences for at least 10 seconds.

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