
5 Best Yoga Poses For Hair Growth

6 years ago | Yoga and You
A number of internal and external factors such as stress, poor eating habits, hormonal imbalances and disorders, hair dyes, styling products and smoking lead to hair fall.
There is a wide range of natural remedies for dandruff and hair fall, and yoga is considered one of the safest and most effective natural remedies that shows prompt results.
Here are the 5 best yoga poses you should do to stop your hair fall and for healthy hair growth.

UTTANASANA | Standing Forward Bend
When you translate Uttanasana literally into English, it means a powerful stretch pose. In English, this asana is called the Standing Forward Bend.
How to:
Start by standing straight on the yoga mat. Raise both your hands above your head and lock the fingers with your index fingers pointing upwards. Slowly, fold forward and wrap your arms around your ankles. Shoot your tailbone up and place your forehead against your knees.
Why to:
In this asana, your head is below the heart, and this allows for blood circulation in your head instead of your feet, giving your cells a rush of energizing oxygen.

SARVANGASANA | Shoulder Stand Pose
Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand pose comes from the Sanskrit words – ‘Sarva’ which means ‘all’ and ‘Anga’ which means ‘part’. This posture is otherwise referred to as the Queen of Asanas.
How to:
Start by laying down on a yoga mat and bend your legs at the knees. Pull your legs closer to your upper body and then lift them upwards. Slowly lift your upper body off the ground. Push your hips upwards so your entire body are aligned in a straight line and form a 90 degree angle with the floor.
Why to:
It calms the nerves of our body, aids in fighting digestive disorders, and reduces anxiety, insomnia and irritability. It regulates the functions of all the glands in the body.

Sirsasana or the headstand pose is the most important among inverted asanas. In Sanskrit the word ‘sirsha’ means ‘head’ and ‘asana’ means pose.
How to:
Start by sitting on all fours. Lower your elbows onto the groound and rest your forehead on the ground. Lock your fingers together and place them against your forehead. Slowly lift your knees off the ground. Slightly walk forward and lift your legs up off the ground. Carefully, lift your legs all the way up until your feet are pointing at the sky.
Why to:
It relaxes blood flow to the lower extremities improving swelling and venous congestion, releases the adrenal glands and kidneys, allows the heart to relax in the pericardium, and increases blood flow to the head, neck, and face.

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA | Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. It is a handstand, forward bend and inversion pose.
How to:
Start by sitting on all fours on the yoga mat. Keep your legs and palms hip distance apart. Tuck your toes and slowly lift your knees off the ground. Shoot your tailbone up towards the sky and drop your head down.
Why to:
You build up strength in the upper arms and you give space and opening in the back, neck, chest, hips and shoulders.

Kapalabhati literally means 'Shining Skull'. It is an intermediate-to-advanced pranayama that consists of short, powerful exhales and passive inhales.
How to:
To begin, sit in a comfortable position where your spine is straight and your abdomen is not compressed. Rest your hands on your knees, palms facing down. Inhale through both nostrils deeply. Contract your low belly or use your hands to gently press on this area, forcing out the breath in a short burst.
Why to:
It is an invigorating and warming exercise. It helps to cleanse the lungs, sinuses, and respiratory system. It encourages the release of toxins and waste products from our lungs which can help to prevent illness and allergies. It also increases the body&rsqu