
5 Yoga Poses for Arthritis Relief

6 years ago | Yoga and You
Arthritis is a condition causing joint disease or joint pain, leading to inflammation, stiffness, and loss of mobility in the joints.
Arthritis generates swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joints. This decreases the range of motion in the body, and can seriously limit the daily activities. To ease the symptoms of arthritis, yoga can definitely contribute. In this video we will see 5 best Yoga Poses for Arthritis Relief.


Marjyasana, also known as the cat-pose is often combined with Bitilasana, also known as the cow-pose, for a gentle warm up exercise sequence in Yoga.
How to:
Start by sitting on you mat on all-fours (dog pose). Now, as you inhale, slowly drop the spine down while lifting your chin up. As you exhale, roll your shoulders, pulling your belly in and bring your chin to your chest as you look to your knee bone. Repeat this a few times.
Why to:
It stretches the back torso and neck, and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs. It opens the chest and the spinal movement of the two poses stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands. It also relieves stress and calms the mind.


Vrikshasana, or the tree pose, is one of the most basic postures in Yoga. The name comes from the Sanskrit words vriksha meaning "tree", and asana meaning "posture". The asana emphasizes alignment of the head, spine and hips.
How to:
Stand straight and transfer all your weight onto your left leg and slowly bend your right leg at the knee. Reach down and hold on to your right ankle. Pull you leg up and Place your heel as close to your groin as possible. Now, bring your hands to your chest, joining at the palms.
Why to:
It is a wonderful pose that teaches balance while toning the muscles of the legs. This elegant pose builds tremendous inner and outer strength over time and a great feeling of accomplishment as you learn to balance on one leg.


The name of this pose is derived from the Sanskrit words "Setu" meaning Bridge; "Bandha" meaning Bind or Lock; and "Asana" meaning Pose.
How to:
Start by laying down on the yoga mat and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close to your back as possible. Hold your ankles, making sure your thumb is on the outside. Slowly inhale and lift your hips all the way up. Keeping your breathing normal, reach as high as you can.
Why to:
It strengthens the back muscles, relieves tiredness, and stretches the chest, neck and back. It also calms the brain by reducing anxiety, stress and depression. And, it helps in the improvement of the digestive system.


Gomukhasana or the Cow Face Pose benefits those with diabetes, stiff back or shoulders, backaches and sexual ailments. In Sanskrit ‘Go’ means the ‘cow’, ‘Mukha’ means the ‘face’ and ‘Asana’ means the ‘pose’.
How to:
Start by stretching your legs out, folding your left leg in, and bringing your right leg over your left leg. Bring your left hand behind you. Now, take your right hand behind over your shoulders and lock your palms. Finally, open out your chest and look up.
Why to:
Cow Face Pose helps in stretching the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, armpits and triceps, and chest. Practicing regularly can reduce stress and anxiety.

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA | Downward Facing Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. It is a handstand, forward bend and inversion pose.
How to:
Start by sitting on all fours on the yoga mat. Keep your legs and palms hip distance apart. Tuck your toes and slowly lift your knees off the ground. Shoot your tailbone up towards the sky and drop your head down.
Why to:
You build up strength in the upper arms and you give space and opening in the back, neck, chest, hips and shoulders.

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