
5 Yoga Poses to Improve Blood Circulation

6 years ago | Yoga and You
Poor blood circulation can cause all sorts of problems in your body like fluid retention and swelling in the lower extremities. Poor circulation can be caused by a number of things like sitting all day at a desk, high cholesterol, blood pressure issues, and even diabetes. Proper blood circulation ensures you keep away from cardiovascular diseases, strokes and blood clots.
Here are 5 best yoga poses to Improve Blood Circulation. Holding the following yoga poses will increase circulation throughout your spine, glands and organs, delivering that fresh blood and oxygen your body craves.

SARVANGASANA | Shoulder Stand Pose

Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand pose comes from the Sanskrit words – ‘Sarva’ which means ‘all’ and ‘Anga’ which means ‘part’. This posture is otherwise referred to as the Queen of Asanas.
How to:
Start by laying down on a yoga mat and bend your legs at the knees. Pull your legs closer to your upper body and then lift them upwards. Slowly lift your upper body off the ground. Push your hips upwards so your entire body is aligned in a straight line and form a 90-degree angle with the floor.
Why to:
It calms the nerves of our body, aids in fighting digestive disorders, and reduces anxiety, insomnia and irritability. It regulates the functions of all the glands in the body.

USTRASANA | Camel Pose

The name comes from the Sanskrit words Ushtra meaning "camel" and Asana meaning "posture" or "seat".
How to:
Start by sitting on your knees with your spine straight and stretched. Inhale deeply. As you exhale, slowly bend backwards, pushing your hips forward, and slowly bring your hands to your ankles. Hold on to this posture for as long as you can.
Why to:
At a stretch, it opens the whole of the front of the body, including the hip flexors and pectoral muscles. The asana improves core strength, spinal, hip and shoulder flexibility and stamina.

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA | Downward Facing Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana posture replicates a dog bending forward, hence the name downward facing dog pose. It is a handstand, forward bend and inversion pose.
How to:
Start by sitting on all fours on the yoga mat. Keep your legs and palms hip distance apart. Tuck your toes and slowly lift your knees off the ground. Shoot your tailbone up towards the sky and drop your head down.
Why to:
You build up strength in the upper arms and you give space and opening in the back, neck, chest, hips and shoulders.

TRIKONASANA | Extended Triangle Pose

Trikonasana is a standing pose that gets its name from the Sanskrit words "trikona" meaning three-angled or triangle and “asana” meaning seat or pose.
How to:
Start by standing straight and then slowly place your left leg at least 4 feet distance away on the mat. Raise both your hands at your sides. Now, slowly bend down from the hips towards the left foot without turning your body. Hold on to your big toe with your left hand and raise the other hand all the way up.
Why to:
This pose focuses more on the thighs and has many health benefits to offer. It helps to relieve stress and stretches and lengthens various parts of the body. The triangle pose yoga has the ability to bring stability, strength and stamina in one’s life.

VIPARITA KARANI | Inverted Lake Pose

The Viparita Karani is a mild inversion and is also called the Inverted Lake Pose. Viparita Karani is often done at the end of a yoga practice, before the final relaxation pose (Savasana) or meditation.
How to:
Start by laying down on the ground. Lift your legs up towards the ceiling. Now, slowly lift your hips off the floor too, supporting your body by holding onto your hips using your hands. Now, gently push your body up as much as it would go, while keeping your shoulders firmly on the ground.
Why to:
Viparita Karani is known to diminish wrinkles and it can make you look younger. This posture will make your blood flow to vari