
7 Best Yoga Asanas To Treat Groin Pain - For Beginners

5 years ago | Yoga and You
Groin pain can be caused by many things, including tight, weak groin muscles or groin pulls or strains. Yoga is a good treatment for many health problems and now it will help you reduce your groin pain also.
Here are 7 best yoga asanas to treat your groin pain.

1. Ustrasana - Camel Pose
Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a backbending yoga posture that opens the entire front side of the body. It is an intermediate level back-bending yoga posture known to open Anahata (Heart chakra). This yoga posture adds flexibility and strength to the body and also helps in improving digestion.

2. Setubandasana - Bridge Pose
In sanskrit ‘Bridge’ means ‘Setu’, ‘Bandha’ means ‘Lock’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Pose’. The poses look like the shape of the bridge, so this pose is called as bridge pose. This rejuvenating backbend will open your chest up and keep your spine flexible. Setu Bandhasana will also help to prepare you for more intense backbends. Basically this pose is effective in relaxing the body and reducing stress.

3. Kapotasana - Pigeon pose
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or One-Legged King Pigeon Pose is an asana that is performed in the seated position. This helps to open up the chest and also strengthens the back and groin.

4. Vrikshasana - Tree pose
Vrikshasana or tree pose is a wonderful pose that teaches balance while toning the muscles of the legs. This elegant pose is not as easy as it looks, but over time it builds tremendous inner and outer strength and a great feeling of accomplishment as you learn to balance on one leg.

5. Supta Baddha Konasana - Reclined Goddess Pose
Reclined Bound Angle Pose, also known as Reclined Cobbler’s Pose, is a deeply relaxing yoga position that is recommended for students of all levels. This pose instills a sense of deep relaxation. It is not only a restorative posture but also a hip opening asana. It is a basic pose, which just about anyone can try their hand at. This asana is also called the Reclined Cobbler’s Pose or the Reclined Goddess Pose.

6. Ananda Balasana - Happy Baby Pose
Ananda Balasana also known as the Happy Baby Pose, is a basic pose that is found in many contemporary yoga routines, and is known to stretch the inner groin and lower back while calming the mind by relieving the stress.

7. Janu Sirsasana - Head to Knee Pose
Janu Sirsasana or the Head to Knee Pose is an excellent asana to increase flexibility of the hamstring muscles, back, thighs, hip joints, arms and the shoulders. Janu Sirsasana also soothes the mind and calms the heart. Janu Sirsasana should ideally be performed when the stomach is empty. It is a great stretching exercise for the whole body. The Janu Sirsasana is a part of the primary series of Ashtanga Yoga. It is a seated asana, and it gets it name from the fact that the head touches the knee in the full expression of this pose. This asana is also called the Head-to-Knee Pose.

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