
8 Thought-Provoking Quotes By John Locke

6 years ago | Yoga and You
John Locke, also known as the “Father of Liberalism”, was an English physician and philosopher. In the Age of Enlightenment, he held the reputation of being one of most influential and prominent thinkers. He was the prime mover in the development of political philosophy and Epistemology, the branch of science dealing with the theory of knowledge.

Here are 8 best thought-provoking quotes by John Locke.

New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not common.

The only defense against the world is a thorough knowledge of it.

No man's knowledge can go beyond his experience.

There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men.

Success in fighting means not coming at your opponent the way he wants to fight you.

The discipline of desire is the background of character.

The most precious of all possessions is power over ourselves.

Reverie is when ideas float in our mind without reflection or regard of the understanding.

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