
How to do Parsva Bakasana - Side Crow Pose

7 years ago | Yoga and You
Side Crow is nothing but just the Crow pose with a fun twist. It’s a really great way to strengthen the core. Twists are a staple in a yoga practice and this twisting arm balance really helps us learn to fly while working our waist, hips, shoulders, arms and abs. Nora Lim from TOTeM yoga shows us step by step how to do Parsva Bakasana - side crow pose.
The pose gets its name from the Sanskrit words “Baka” meaning crane and “asana” meaning posture or seat. It is often also referred to as Side crow pose.

How to:
1. Start by lying down on your back and bringing your legs up, bending them at the knees so that your legs are parallel to the ground. Your knees should be positioned directly above your hips.
2. Now, place your palms on your right thigh and lower your other leg down about an inch or two above the ground.
3. Hold this posture for a few moments, maybe around 5 to 10 breaths. Now, switch sides and do the same with your right leg.
4. Now, bring both your legs back up in the initial position and place your hands behind your head.
5. Lower your left leg down again and lift your head, supporting your head with your hands. Now, slowly twist your upper body to the right side. While doing so, look at your right knee.
6. Repeat the same on the other side. Repeat this a few times, each time holding the position for about 3 to 5 breaths.
7. Now, position yourself in the dog pose. Slowly, place right knee down and twist your body with your hands raising up. Make sure your belly is not resting on your thigh, but is completely stretched out.
8. Now, release the position and step forward into a forward fold pose. Slowly lower yourself into the chair position. Gently twist to the left with your right elbow resting on your left thigh. Make sure not to twist your hips. Only twist your body using the spine.
9. Slowly release and sit down in a squat. Lift your left knee up with your right knee lying on the ground.
10. Use your left hand to gently draw your left knee in so your right hand can weave over the leg with your thigh laying on your triceps.
11. Now, slowly lower your palms to the ground. Once done, lift your right knee up to meet your left knee, while keeping your body twisted.
12. Finally, getup on your thighs and lift your hips up so you can shift forward, making sure your elbows are positioned exactly above your wrists.
13. Slowly and carefully, shift all your weight forward, which automatically makes your feet lighter, and lift both your feet off the ground as well.

Why to:
Tones the side body, especially the abdominal obliques
Improves balance
Reduces asymmetry in the lower spine
Creates a wringing effect on the organs
Strengthens the arms and wrists
Tones the belly and spine

Avoided by:
It is advised that any person with any wrist or lower back injury avoid practicing this pose. Also, people who had had recent surgeries in their hands or back are also cautioned not to practice this pose.

Best time:
These stretches can be performed at any time or right before you go to sleep to have a peaceful sleep. But it is advised to perform these in the early hour’s right after you wake up as your joints would be relaxed at that time.

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