
Yoga For Beginners - 8 Yoga Poses to Relieve Sciatica Pain

5 years ago | Yoga and You
Sciatica is tenderness and pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve, typically showing up on one side of the body. There are two sciatic nerves, one for each leg. These are the longest nerves in the human body. Yoga can provide incredible healing benefits for sciatica, it’s important to utilize postures that move you towards balance and away from pain.
Ease your Sciatica effectively by practicing these 7 yoga postures every day and experience the difference.

Dandasana - Staff Pose
Seated Staff Pose might look easy, but it’s an intense strength-builder for the upper back, chest, and abdomen. This pose is the foundational posture for all seated poses, including twists. Because it provides the structural basis for all seated poses, it is essentially the seated version of Mountain Pose (Tadasana).

Ardha Matsyendrasana - Half Spinal Twist Pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana usually appears as a seated spinal twist with many variations, and is one of the twelve basic asanas in many systems of Hatha Yoga. This is one of the few poses in the Basic Session that rotates the spine. Most bend the spinal column either backward or forward, but to become truly flexible it must be twisted laterally as well. The movement also tones the spinal nerves and ligaments, and improves the digestion.

Makarasana - Crocodile Pose
In Sanskrit language “Makara” means Crocodile that is why this asana is also known as Crocodile Pose. It is one of the best and easiest asanas for curing problems related to back & knees. This asana is just same as Shavasana which provides relaxing and de-stressing feeling to your entire body.

Salabhasana - The Locust Pose
Salabhasana - the name comes from the Sanskrit words "shalabh" which means "grasshopper". It is back bend, or spine stretch, using the strength of the upper and middle back to lift the weight of the legs as high as possible from a starting position face down on the floor. It improves flexibility and coordination and increases strength and stamina. It helps to exercise the spine.

Bhujangasana - Cobra Pose
The name comes from the Sanskrit words bhujanga meaning "snake" or "serpent" and asana (???) meaning "posture" or "seat". From a prone position with palms and legs on the floor, the chest is lifted. Bhujangasana may strengthen the spine, stretch the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, firm the buttocks, and relieve stress and fatigue. Traditional texts say that Bhujangasana increases body heat, destroys disease, and awakens kundalini.

Pavanamuktasana - Wind Relieving Pose
Pavanamuktasana knows as Wind Removing Pose, which is beneficial for Gas Problems and Poor Digestion. It is a yoga pose in which the body is positioned in a supine position. Regular practice of Pavanamuktasana help to stimulate bowel movement which is very necessary for removing waste material.

Setu Bandhasana - Bridge Pose
In sanskrit ‘Bridge’ means ‘Setu’, ‘Bandha’ means ‘Lock’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Pose’. The poses look like the shape of the bridge, so this pose is called as bridge pose. This rejuvenating backbend will open your chest up and keep your spine flexible. Setu Bandhasana will also help to prepare you for more intense backbends. Basically this pose is effective in relaxing the body and reducing stress.

Supta Padangusthasana - Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
Supta Padangusthasana is an excellent way to develop flexibility in your hamstring muscles and the back of your legs without placing strain on your back since your back is well-supported and kept straight by the floor.

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