
Brinjal Dip

11 years ago | Home Cooking
Everyone has heard about those eggplant dips and cheese dips, but what about brinjal dips? It’s a completely new name to you, isn’t it? We have never thought of changing this vegetable into a dish before.
But, it is a perfectly balanced dip that is a bit spicy, a bit tangy and a bit salty. Isn’t just listening to these words making you curious about the dip?
Does it not make you want to taste it too? Well, you can do so, and do so very easily. All you have to do? Follow a few simple steps to make the dip yourself.

Difficulty - Easy
Total Time - 40 Minutes
Preparation Time - 30 Minutes


Brinjals – 3 or 4 no.’s cut up
Tomatoes – 2 no.’s chopped
Onion – 1 no. chopped
Garlic – few cloves chopped
Coriander leaves
Olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil
Lemon – ½
Green chillies – 2 no.’s cut up.

Place a wide saucepan on a medium flame and add two to three tsp.’s of olive oil.
Now, add the garlic, onions, green chillies and brinjal to the pan. Sauté well. After some time, add the tomatoes as well. Sauté well until the vegetables are cooked.

Once the vegetables are cooked completely, turn off the stove and add a bit of extra virgin oil to the vegetables and mix it.
Now, add the coriander leaves and mix it one more time. Set the pan aside to let the vegetables cool.

Once cooled, empty the contents into a mixer jar and grind the vegetables into a coarse paste.

Empty the contents into a bowl and squeeze the juice of ½ lemon to balance out the taste.

Voila! Your brinjal dip is ready to be served.

Enjoy with your family & friends. HAPPY COOKING with HOMECOOKING

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