
Chunky Mango Jam

7 years ago | Home Cooking
Chunky Mango Jam

Mango - 1 no
Lemon - 1 no
Sugar - 1 cup

1. Chop the mangoes into small cubes.
2. Take a wide sauce pan(Buy : https://goo.gl/TvAV7X) and add chopped mango cubes.
3. Squeeze one lemon and gently mix it.
4. Add one cup of sugar after the pieces are mashed (Buy : https://goo.gl/pqhqDX ) up. ( You can add sugar as per your taste)
5. Add grated (( Buy : https://goo.gl/9A1CWA ) fresh ginger to add an extra flavor.
6. Cook for about 25 minutes.
7. Mango can be used as chunky cubes or puree for the jam.
8. Turn off the stove and let it cool completely.
9. Save the jam in a jar.
Delicious and simple chunky mango jam is ready to taste!

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