
Wheat Halwa

7 years ago | Home Cooking
WHEAT HALWA | Sweets & Savouries
Thirunelveli Halwa is a must in every house during the festive seasons. Traditionally made in Thirunelveli, this halwa is a really popular sweet that is widely known all over the south in India, and maybe even the Northern states of India. This insanely famous sweet, many imagine is one the most difficult sweet to prepare. The rubbery consistency seems almost impossible to achieve at home. But, to me, this is possibly one of the easiest dish to make which doesn’t have a long process or many ingredients either. So, I thought I can share the recipe with you all too. This is how I prepare the dish. It never fails to satisfy me.

Whole Samba Wheat/Whole wheat/Gehu - 1 cup
Ghee - 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 1 tsp.
Sugar - 1 cup
Few Roasted Cashew nuts

1. Soak the whole grain samba wheat for 8 hours or overnight.
2. Grind the soaked wheat with little water to fine thin paste.
3. Strain the ground wheat and keep the wheat milk aside.

1. In a pan add 1 tsp. of ghee and the grinded wheat milk.
2. Turn on the flame and keep stirring the milk continuously till it thickens.
3. Add cardamom powder and 1/2 cup of sugar to the milk. Keep stirring so that no lumps are formed.
4. In another pan, heat 1/2 cup sugar. Let it melt and caramelize. Keep stirring to avoid the caramel sticking to the surface of the pan.
5. Add the caramelized sugar to the thickened wheat milk and mix well.
6. Add 1/2 cup ghee gradually and keep stirring till it stops sticking to the sides.
7. Once it is thick and rubbery and stops sticking to the sides, turn off the stove.
8. Grease a bowl with some ghee. Spread the halwa in the bowl & let it cool down.
9. Garnish with roasted cashew nuts.
10. Wheat Halwa is ready to be served and devoured!

Instead of garnishing, you can also add the cashew nuts to the halwa and mix them well before emptying the contents in the bowl.

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