
Pista Badam Lassi

7 years ago | Home Cooking
Pista Badam Lassi
This is one of those North Indian drinks that is insanely popular and loved all over the country. A perfect blend of yogurt, water, spices, and sometimes fruits, Lassi is a really cooling and refreshing drink to be had in the summers. It was a dish that originated from the North Indian state Punjab. While traditionally, A lassi is a really thick and fullsome drink, I have made this drink far less thick, and it is definitely not heavy on your stomach. However, it does its work of cooling down the body splendidly. And while the Lassi's come in two main varieties, salted and sweet, we have ventured out today to show you a simple recipe for a simple and sweet lassi!

Cashew nuts
Almonds (Badam)
Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
Sugar - 4 tsp
Curd - 400 gms

1.Soak the nuts (cashews, pistachios and almonds) in water for some time.

2.Once soaked and the nuts are plump, remove the skin.

3.Grind these nuts in a mixer to form a coarse mixture.

4.Now, add a pinch of saffron, a tsp of cardamom powder, some sugar, and grind it again.

5.Now add 400 grams of curd.

6.Now, add required water in curd jar and add it to the mixer and blend it all together.

7.Now, empty the contents into glasses.

8.Finally, garnish it with some saffron and serve chilled!

You can also add a dash of home-made butter on the top, as is traditionally served in Punjab!
Add relatively less water while diluting the curd to make a thick Lassi.

The amount of sugar added to the drink should depend on your taste prefernces and not as stated in the recipe. Hence, you can maybe add 5 Tsp.'s if you prefer your drink sweet, or 3 Tsp.'s if it is too sweet for your tastes!

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